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 Fayez.R. Nour


About Fayez :

Fayez is committed to the primary importance of the individual in society - Social change to meet socially recognized needs - Social justice and the economic, physical, and mental well-being of all in society - Respect and appreciation for individual and group differences - Developing clients' ability to help themselves - A high standard of personal and professional conduct - Respect for confidentiality of relationship with clients - Transmitting knowledge and skills to others - Keeping personal feelings and needs separate from professional relationships - Persisting in efforts on behalf of clients despite frustration. He is a practical and rational thinker and thrives on achievements (deliverable results/outcomes). He is a solution/outcome focused person.


Depending on the unique needs and goals of each client, Fayez may draw on a range of evidence based psychology counselling methods, including: EMDR Therapy, Mindfulness-Based Therapy, Narrative Therapy, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, Psychotherapy, Psychodynamic Therapy and Emotional Intelligence Therapy.

  • Website: https://au.affordable.law/
  • Phone: 61 414 616 960
  • City: Sydney, Australia
  • Degree: Master & others
  • PhEmailone: fayez@au.e-court.law
  • Freelance: Available


As a practicing Dispute Resolution Mediator and Psychology Counsellor (Mental Health Social Worker), specializing in remedial therapy for Traumas, depression and suicidal symptoms, underpinned by evidence-based therapy (Best Research Evidence, Clinical Expertise & Values/Preferences/Needs of each Unique Patient) Fayez provides the following services: Various areas of psychology counselling, Conflict and dispute resolution, Employment Assistance Program (EAP), Depression recovery program and Behaviour management & parental workshop program.

Psychology counselling 100%
Conflict and dispute resolution 90%
Employment Assistance Program 75%
Depression recovery program80%
Behaviour management 90%
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy55%


Fayez’ vast experience and skills in private practice make him a leader in the field and a senior clinician. He provides professional clinical supervision to other counsellors and is a member of multiple professional associations, including the ACA, AASW and the Resolution Institute.

Fayez provides outcome focused and insightful counselling to children, adolescents, adults, couples, and families. His breadth of knowledge ensures the best support is offered to his clients, whereby you can improve your communication, strengthen your relationships, and live more authentically.

Depending on the unique needs and goals of each client, Fayez may draw on a range of evidence based counselling methods, including: EMDR Therapy, Mindfulness-Based Therapy, Narrative Therapy, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, Psychotherapy, Psychodynamic Therapy and Emotional Intelligence Therapy.

Fayez strongly believes in the brain plasticity and human ability for greater transformation. Fayez is committed to helping and empowering his clients to discover their own potential to live more authentically and at ease within themselves and with others, allowing them to achieve deep personal growth and positive change. Fayez Nour has appointments available in the locations of Liverpool & Blacktown.


Fayez.R. Nour

Fayez exudes empathy and genuine concern. He notice nuances in voice tone and body language. His skills include active listening and reflects & encourage clients to share repressed thoughts, feelings and beliefs. Fayez excells in Problem-Solving and emphasizes confidentiality & Cross-Cultural Sensitivity.

  • Sydney, NSW. Australia
  • (123)+61 414616960
  • fayez@au.e-court.law


Executive Managing Director (Co-Founder) of E-Court AU and E-Court NZ

Mar 2019 – Present


A Revolutionary Platform for Counsel, Consult & Conflict Resolution which delivers an exceptional client experience

Chairperson - Being/Mental Health Consumers Ltd

2013 - Present

Being/Mental Health Consumers Ltd, Sydney, Australia

Ensuring that mental health (MH) consumer views are heard by policy makers, service providers and the community, through promoting consumer participation in relevant policy making and service development decisions and advocating for Human Rights & Social Justice of MH lived/living experience persons.

Professional Experience

NSW Agency for Clinical Innovation

March 2019 - Present

Member of MH Network Executive Committee

    Providing strategic advice, leadership, and guidance for Network activities, and to assist in the description, development and implementation of evidence-based approaches to care for Mental Health in NSW.

Bureau of Health Information

2017 - 2018

Member of Mental Health Advisory Group June 2018 – Dec 2019

    Advise the NSW Ministry of Health on the quality of existing data sets and the development of enhanced information analysis and reporting to support performance reporting to clinicians, the community and Parliament

Mental Health Carers NSW (ARAFMI NSW Inc.)

2015 - 2018

Board Director/Treasurer 2015 – Dec 2018

    MHCN represents the interests of MH carers in NSW. It regularly consults with carers across NSW to gain information on their opinions and experiences with the MH system, then provides feedback on policies and services on behalf of carers to the NSW Ministry of Health and to other government bodies


* PhD(Cdt) Mental Health University of Technology, Sydney   

* Master of Social Work (Q) Aust. College of Applied Psychology    

* Post-graduate Diploma in Psychology Counselling Aust. College of Applied Psychology    

* Accredited Clinical Counselling Supervisor Aust. Counselling Association    

* Dispute Resolution Practitioner/Mediator Aust. Inst. for Relationship Studies    

* Certificate IV in Training & Assessment All Australian Training       

* Technology/Civil Engineering (Grad) University of Technology, Sydney       

* Local Gov. Engineer’s Certificate L G ENG. Board of Examination       


* Australian Association of Social Workers   

* Australian Counselling Association (As Level 4 Counsellor)   

* Professional Counselling Association    

* Resolution Institute (Mediation)   

* The Institute of Engineers, Australia   

* PhD (Cdt) Mental Health   

* Master of Social Work   

* Post Graduate Diploma in Psychology Counselling   

* Accredited Clinical Counselling Supervisor   

* Accredited Conflict Resolution Mediator   


Some areas of Practice ( not limited to ):

Post Traumatic Disorder

A condition of persistent mental and emotional stress occurring as a result of injury or severe psychological shock, typically involving disturbance of sleep and constant vivid recall of the experience, with dulled responses to others and to the outside world

Adolescent Counselling

Counselling aimed at young people to help them make sense of their feelings, behaviors and thoughts and entails the use of unique techniques that draw out the expressive nature of a young person like art therapy or more traditional approaches like talking therapy.

Anger Management

Anger management refers to a process. It can help people identify stressors. People learn steps to help them stay calm in anger management. They may then handle tense situations in a constructive, positive way. The purpose of anger management is to help a person decrease anger. It reduces the emotional and physical arousal that anger can cause.

Anxiety Counselling

Anxiety counseling is a type of therapy that aims to help individuals manage their anxiety. It can be used to treat a variety of conditions, including panic disorders, phobias, social anxiety disorder, and generalized anxiety disorder.

Depression Counselling

Depression Counselling. Depression is caused by mood-regulating neurotransmitters not functioning properly. There are a number of factors that may play a role in causing or triggering depression such as genetic predisposition, your personality type, ageing, stress and other depression triggers and factors.

Grief counseling

Grief counseling is intended to help the client grieve in a healthy manner, to understand and cope with the emotions they experience, and to ultimately find a way to move on. This can be accomplished through existential therapy, individual therapy, group therapy, and/or family therapy


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Saul Goodman

Ceo & Founder

Export tempor illum tamen malis malis eram quae irure esse labore quem cillum quid cillum eram malis quorum velit fore eram velit sunt aliqua noster fugiat irure amet legam anim culpa.

Sara Wilsson


Enim nisi quem export duis labore cillum quae magna enim sint quorum nulla quem veniam duis minim tempor labore quem eram duis noster aute amet eram fore quis sint minim.

Jena Karlis

Store Owner

Fugiat enim eram quae cillum dolore dolor amet nulla culpa multos export minim fugiat minim velit minim dolor enim duis veniam ipsum anim magna sunt elit fore quem dolore labore illum veniam.

Matt Brandon


Quis quorum aliqua sint quem legam fore sunt eram irure aliqua veniam tempor noster veniam enim culpa labore duis sunt culpa nulla illum cillum fugiat legam esse veniam culpa fore nisi cillum quid.

John Larson


My Contact details :


PO Box 124, Edensor Park NSW 2176, Australia


+61 414616960